Wednesday, January 17, 2007

U.S. families puzzled by tighter China adoptions

From Reuters:
    ... The restrictions, to be implemented later this year, have led U.S. parents of Chinese children to question whether it is a bid by China, which has experienced rapid economic growth in recent years, to shrug off a perception that it is a poor country that cannot look after its own children. ...

    ... When it announced the new rules in December, the Chinese government said it was a bid to shorten the wait -- now up to 16 months -- for prospective parents.

    Gongzhan Wu, China program manager at the Gladney Center for Adoption in New York, said the waiting period had lengthened because less Chinese children were being put up for foreign adoption. He said around 600 to 800 children a month were currently available, down from around 1,000 a month 18 months ago.

    He said China received around 2,000 applications a month, about 1,200 of which were from the United States. ...

    ... Wu, of the Gladney Center, said fewer children were available for international adoption because of an increase in domestic adoptions in China and a crackdown on baby trafficking.

    "In the past (Chinese orphanages) tried to spread the word, telling people if they see a baby in a public place or by the side of the road send the baby to us. Now they don't do that anymore," Wu said. "They don't actively look for babies."

    (Full article)

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