Tuesday, November 08, 2005

*** SIGH ***

In our email today...

To America World Families:

There has been an uncertainty regarding the timeframe from log-in to referral that needs clarification. As stated on the Weekly update, the CCAA is experiencing some delays for several different reasons. In the beginning of October they had a national holiday; at the end of the month the trade fair occurred. The Center is also expecting to move to a newer facility to enhance their productivity and improve service to families. This move will occur from the middle of November to the middle to end of December. It is expected that things will be slowing down in the coming months due to these changes. We do not have specific confirmation on the length of the delay, but we estimate approximately 9-10 months from log-in date to referral. When we are given more specific information, we will notify families accordingly. While this is difficult to accept at this time, this delay will be of benefit to increase productivity and efficiency.

We pray that the Lord will give you all peace during this time of transition for the CCAA. Please feel free to contact your Family Coordinator for prayer requests or questions.

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