One of my favorite memories of Patricia is that every day she would take my hairbrush and brush through my hair. One of my favorite memories of Philippe is how when he was coloring or playing and was singing or humming and he caught one of us looking at him, he got a sweet, sheepish grin on his face.
One of Lee's favorite Patricia memories is her falling asleep on his lap, with her head on his chest. One of his favorite Philippe memories is when we were back at the orphanage at the end of our visit and our kids had to eat dinner after everyone else had already eaten. The kids were crowding around Philippe and he stood up, and one by one, spooned food into the different kids' hands.
We cry thinking of them. We ache for them, but for the most part we do have peace that they aren't home yet. China has a rule that there has to be a year between placements, so our social worker would not have even approved us for them if it didn't take so long, so basically things are just working out they way they are supposed to work out. Please do remember them in your prayers. We know that even though they know we aren't coming this summer, that it will be hard for them to watch the van pull up to the orphanage and we don't get out. They don't understand why we left. Why we didn't take them home. Please pray for them to have peace and joy. Pray for their health. Pray for them any way you can! Thanks!
That is so great that the kids know about Olivia... of course, why wouldn't they... and such gorgeous memories...
Will so- any chance on you have Olivia home you can get them sooner. It has to be hard. I can't wait for the day you are all together !
I have to say I think some of the most fervent prayers I have ever prayed have been those as we've left our kids. Oh Lord, protect their hearts, heal them, make them understand.
oh i love them! thank you for sharing those precious memories. i'm sure there are times you wish you could just be in a coma until you have your kids here!!!
i will pray that strength WILL rise as you wait upon the Lord!
Praying for your family. Things "have a way of working out" don't they? I pray for what I want (my kids home NOW) and yet, at the same time, trust God to work out the details, the timing..I pray for the children's hearts to be protected, and for them to know that we (their adoptive parents) love them, and more importantly, that God loves them.
Thanks for sharing this, Dawn.
Don't you love pictures! I know we do...we live for them sometimes. I see you are going to China, that is such wonderful news :-) Olivia is a doll. I pray you are abundantly blessed this summer with strength courage and stamina...China was the most wonderful trip of our lives and one of the hardest at the same time!
I am praying for your precious kids in Haiti often...that their files move closer to home, and that you all will have peace in your hearts. There is no pain like being separated from your children...I know. I love your memories. I have still not made a final decision on whether I will be going on the July trip, but it is very likely I will. If you need me to take something for them, check with me. I can't wait for Olivia to be with you.
What a heartfelt post, Dawn. Beautiful words. Patricia has changed from her last photos. What sweet little faces. We will certainly keep your entire family in our prayers. You have so many exciting things happening right now. This first year home with Olivia is going to be so important for her and God's plan will prepare her to not only be your daughter, but also a little sister as well. Her whole world is about to be turned upside down. Lucky for her, she's coming HOME to some pretty wonderful parents.
Love all the stories - especially Patricia brushing your hair and Phillipe sharing his food! I am so happy you have those moments in your heart to treasure. Praying they'll be home exactly exactly one year from Olivia's placement. Love you guys!
We will definitely pray for ALL your sweet children!
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