Here are the kids with the bins we brought down with their things and donations for the orphanage from us, a few friends and the women at my friend Margie's church.
A cool way to wait - ready to go to the orphanage for the day
Lee and I worked hard all day at the orphanage. We had a tough job cleaning out a storage unit. We hope our efforts helped! While we did this, the kids were in school. You can maybe see that Patricia is not very happy about being there. They both kind of clammed up when we first got back there, but later warmed up again. I am sure it was hard and confusing for them.
Lee says, "the orphanage is equipped with a clothes dryer that runs on wind and solar energy" hee hee
A typical meal at the orphanage of rice with beans and a small piece of fish
We brought down 200 pairs of flip flops for the kids and staff. Here they are lined up, waiting for their new shoes!
Every month the orphanage has one celebration for all the birthdays in that month. We thought since we were there so close to Patricia's 9th birthday, that we would have a party for her. The director of the orphanage picked up a cake for us at a french bakery
more to come!