~ I met with our nurse today and went over all the corrections that need to be made to our health reports.
~ I got my birth certificate from Colorado so we went and got our passports ordered and pictures taken. Still need to get Lee's updated birth certificate, but since we had an "old" copy, that one worked for getting his passport.
~ We have been writing our autobiographies and gathering other info (tax returns, etc.) for the home study.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Picture Update
On Saturday, October 15, Dawn and I attended a get-together with other parents who have either already adopted or are in the process of adopting through AWAA. Here we are with some of the adopted girls we met:

Needless to say, the meeting only increased our anticipation!
Needless to say, the meeting only increased our anticipation!
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
China Adoption Video
Still have that handkerchief handy? Then click here for a touching video from Bring Me Hope, an agency specializing in Chinese adoptions.
Grace and Justice
R.C. Sproul, Jr., shares with us a beautiful, heart-warming adoption story on his "squiblog":
- ... We began the process of adoption a month or two after Denise's final surgery. We attended classes, filled out mountains of paper work, made countless phone calls to various agencies. We mentioned our hopes and plans to our families, congregation and a few close friends, and together we all prayed, and waited.
A few months ago I received an unexpected phone call from my friend and co-laborer Doug Phillips. He began the conversation by telling me that he and his godly wife had recently, after seven healthy children, lost their first to miscarriage. Tears welled in my eyes as I sought to enter into my brother's suffering. That, ultimately, Doug explained, wasn't the reason for his call. He went on to explain that as he, and Beall and his children mourned the loss of their unborn child, that one son, Justice, approached his daddy with his piggy bank. "Daddy," this young hero said, "I've got some money saved up. Could we go down to the orphanage and get Mommy a new baby?" There was no more welling for my tears. By now they had reached the cascade stage. "You have a fine son in Justice, Doug," I told him. "R.C., out of that conversation, the Phillips family has made a decision. We are going to send you a contribution to help pay for your adoption." The cascade became a flood. ...
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Hi everybody! Hey, don't forget to leave a comment...it's easier now; Lee removed the sign-up thingy. It'd be nice to know who's dropping by and it would also be encouraging to me.
So, I got my birth certificate! That was only a couple of days, not a couple of weeks! We are going to go get our passports tomorrow (Monday) so that will be another item to check off!
Regarding Lee's birth certificate our account coordinator at AWAA, Tabitha, said that she heard that New Orleans folks can now get their BC's from any vital records office, so I am gonna check on that!! If that is correct we are on our way!
We got the paperwork back from our doctor but there were some things filled out incorrectly and some other things missing. I will have to set up another meeting with them to get the info corrected. One funny mistake was the answer to this question for Lee's report, "Is the applicant's state of health suitable for raising a child?" And they actually put "NO"!!!! I am quite certain that this was an oversight!
I overheard Lee on the phone talking to his best friend Chris, and it was really fun hearing him tell different stories about what is going on and how excited he is about this! We pray for her every night. Whoever she is, wherever she is, if she has already been born, if she is on the way...only God knows which little girl is coming home to our house!
Keep in touch!
So, I got my birth certificate! That was only a couple of days, not a couple of weeks! We are going to go get our passports tomorrow (Monday) so that will be another item to check off!
Regarding Lee's birth certificate our account coordinator at AWAA, Tabitha, said that she heard that New Orleans folks can now get their BC's from any vital records office, so I am gonna check on that!! If that is correct we are on our way!
We got the paperwork back from our doctor but there were some things filled out incorrectly and some other things missing. I will have to set up another meeting with them to get the info corrected. One funny mistake was the answer to this question for Lee's report, "Is the applicant's state of health suitable for raising a child?" And they actually put "NO"!!!! I am quite certain that this was an oversight!
I overheard Lee on the phone talking to his best friend Chris, and it was really fun hearing him tell different stories about what is going on and how excited he is about this! We pray for her every night. Whoever she is, wherever she is, if she has already been born, if she is on the way...only God knows which little girl is coming home to our house!
Keep in touch!
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
A Time to Grieve, a Time to Rejoice
At 36 years of age, I know that I am very blessed to have had all four of my grandparents around most of my life. But we all get older, and we all have to face the realization that life on this earth is only temporary.
I lost my paternal grandfather, L. R. Shelton, Jr., in January of 2003. On Sunday, October 8, my maternal grandfather, George M. Robertson--"Papaw," as we called him--passed away. He was 89 years old.
Some of my fondest memories of Papaw are from my childhood, when our family would travel from Fort Smith, Ark., to my grandparents' home in Picayune, Miss. It's amazing all of the little things I remember from those visits: the fragrance of pine trees in the air, the feel of the sandy soil between my bare toes, the smell of my grandparents' house and Papaw's cologne, the jagged pattern of the floor tiles. I recall the giant stereo console in the living room on which we played countless records and the multi-colored fiber optic lamp that kept us entertained for hours.
Field trips were standard. Whether it was going on walks to pick wild berries, trying to catch something in a nearby fishing hole, visiting a train museum or driving down to the Gulf, we always did things as a family.
But the best part of our visits was at night. Often we would gather together to watch 8mm home movies Papaw and other members of the family had made. As the silent images danced on the screen, we would snack on treats like fried okra and Papaw's world-famous, homemade peach ice cream. Those memories--and many more--are ones I will always cherish.
Papaw was a kind, gentle, Godly man who was always willing to give of himself. I never knew him to be selfish, and I never heard him speak a harsh word. Of course, he helped raise my mother to be the person she is today, and for that I am thankful.
It is always difficult to say goodbye, but as believers in Christ we know that all the joys and fond memories of this life are nothing compared to spending eternity in Heaven. Pain and suffering have no place there, and death will be a thing of the past. Our salvation will be fully realized as we leave behind this fragile existence and put on incorruptible, glorified bodies that will never know the ravages of time.
And therein lies the hope all Christians share. Yes, times like these cause us to reflect on the lives of the ones we have lost, but we rejoice in anticipation of the day when we will all be reunited in Glory in the presence of our Savior and Lord.
I lost my paternal grandfather, L. R. Shelton, Jr., in January of 2003. On Sunday, October 8, my maternal grandfather, George M. Robertson--"Papaw," as we called him--passed away. He was 89 years old.
Some of my fondest memories of Papaw are from my childhood, when our family would travel from Fort Smith, Ark., to my grandparents' home in Picayune, Miss. It's amazing all of the little things I remember from those visits: the fragrance of pine trees in the air, the feel of the sandy soil between my bare toes, the smell of my grandparents' house and Papaw's cologne, the jagged pattern of the floor tiles. I recall the giant stereo console in the living room on which we played countless records and the multi-colored fiber optic lamp that kept us entertained for hours.
Field trips were standard. Whether it was going on walks to pick wild berries, trying to catch something in a nearby fishing hole, visiting a train museum or driving down to the Gulf, we always did things as a family.
But the best part of our visits was at night. Often we would gather together to watch 8mm home movies Papaw and other members of the family had made. As the silent images danced on the screen, we would snack on treats like fried okra and Papaw's world-famous, homemade peach ice cream. Those memories--and many more--are ones I will always cherish.
Papaw was a kind, gentle, Godly man who was always willing to give of himself. I never knew him to be selfish, and I never heard him speak a harsh word. Of course, he helped raise my mother to be the person she is today, and for that I am thankful.
It is always difficult to say goodbye, but as believers in Christ we know that all the joys and fond memories of this life are nothing compared to spending eternity in Heaven. Pain and suffering have no place there, and death will be a thing of the past. Our salvation will be fully realized as we leave behind this fragile existence and put on incorruptible, glorified bodies that will never know the ravages of time.
And therein lies the hope all Christians share. Yes, times like these cause us to reflect on the lives of the ones we have lost, but we rejoice in anticipation of the day when we will all be reunited in Glory in the presence of our Savior and Lord.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Feeling Defeated Today...
I messed up and I didn't see that I was to send in a photocopy of my driver's license when I requested my birth cerificate which means that I haven't received it yet which means I can't get my passport yet which is depressing since I heard it takes 6-8 weeks to get them. :(
Also, I am just plain tired and I have a sore throat. Work is very demanding right now and I have many plates spinning in the air. Plus now I may have to go to HQ next week - DETROIT - for some training. :P
To make me even MORE defeated today, after I wrote this whole thing it magically disappeared and I had to re-type it!!!! >:(
I'll re-type more of what was lost tomorrow, since I am done with today!
Off to bed! Sorry to be so grumpy but I can't be peppy ALL the time! ;)
Also, I am just plain tired and I have a sore throat. Work is very demanding right now and I have many plates spinning in the air. Plus now I may have to go to HQ next week - DETROIT - for some training. :P
To make me even MORE defeated today, after I wrote this whole thing it magically disappeared and I had to re-type it!!!! >:(
I'll re-type more of what was lost tomorrow, since I am done with today!
Off to bed! Sorry to be so grumpy but I can't be peppy ALL the time! ;)
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Fun Day!
On Saturday the 15th we went to a meeting for Minnesota families who have already adopted or are in the process of adopting through America World. It was great meeting new friends and we had a common bond immediately. We also got to meet our social worker for the first time and she is fabulous.
One amazing tidbit is that we met a couple who said that they, too, lived in North Minneapolis. Turns our they live on our STREET -- only three blocks north of us! Also amazing, of the four families who are "in the process", we were the two families adopting from China -- and we were seated right next to each other! Their names are Todd and Jen and they have two small children, Celia and Barak. I spent some time with her today and we are all planning on getting our passports together tomorrow. We are at about the same pace with the paperwork and hope we travel to China at the same time! Only God knows, but everyone at the meeting felt that this was a God-ordained circumstance!
One of the moms, Kris, took some pictures, and we have permission from the parents to post them, so as soon as we get them we will do just that!
Love to all!
One amazing tidbit is that we met a couple who said that they, too, lived in North Minneapolis. Turns our they live on our STREET -- only three blocks north of us! Also amazing, of the four families who are "in the process", we were the two families adopting from China -- and we were seated right next to each other! Their names are Todd and Jen and they have two small children, Celia and Barak. I spent some time with her today and we are all planning on getting our passports together tomorrow. We are at about the same pace with the paperwork and hope we travel to China at the same time! Only God knows, but everyone at the meeting felt that this was a God-ordained circumstance!
One of the moms, Kris, took some pictures, and we have permission from the parents to post them, so as soon as we get them we will do just that!
Love to all!
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Some good news, some bad
Ok, I talked to our social worker today and she got her license from the state of MN, so we are all set to start the home study process!! Yeah!! This is very good news!
On the flip side, we are still on "hold" with Lee's birth certificate--our agency (AWAA) says they will assist us by contacting their Chinese liaison if New Orleans doesn't open a new vital records office soon.
For more good news, we are looking forward to a get-together this Saturday with other AWAA parents who have either already adopted or are in the process, and our first official meeting with the social worker (Stacy) is on Friday the 28th. There are a bunch of things we need to accomplish before that meeting.
And some bad news, we are sad to say that Lee's Grandpa Robertson passed away on Sunday. He was nearly 90 and was ready to go, but it's still hard. Sadly he may be an indirect victim of Hurricane Katrina. He had to be evacuated from his nursing home after days with no power, and he got sick during that time with pnemonia and an infection. We are VERY grateful that we got to see him on our trip to New Orleans last November. Please keep the Robertson clan in your prayers.
To end on a good note, here is some humor. When I was filling out our paperwork for the adoption, it asked for "parent's names". I started to put my folks' names when I realized that Lee and I are the parents!
More soon!
On the flip side, we are still on "hold" with Lee's birth certificate--our agency (AWAA) says they will assist us by contacting their Chinese liaison if New Orleans doesn't open a new vital records office soon.
For more good news, we are looking forward to a get-together this Saturday with other AWAA parents who have either already adopted or are in the process, and our first official meeting with the social worker (Stacy) is on Friday the 28th. There are a bunch of things we need to accomplish before that meeting.
And some bad news, we are sad to say that Lee's Grandpa Robertson passed away on Sunday. He was nearly 90 and was ready to go, but it's still hard. Sadly he may be an indirect victim of Hurricane Katrina. He had to be evacuated from his nursing home after days with no power, and he got sick during that time with pnemonia and an infection. We are VERY grateful that we got to see him on our trip to New Orleans last November. Please keep the Robertson clan in your prayers.
To end on a good note, here is some humor. When I was filling out our paperwork for the adoption, it asked for "parent's names". I started to put my folks' names when I realized that Lee and I are the parents!
More soon!
Monday, October 03, 2005
Can't get Lee's Birth Certificate (and other news)...
Hi all - heard that quite a few people are reading this so hello even if I don't know you!
So the word is that we need to request updated marriage and birth certificates (even though we already have them) because apparently the date expires and we have to have new ones for the CCAA (Chinese Center for Adoption Affairs) with a date stamp within the year of adoption. So... a little more money out the door! The main problem is because of Katrina, the state of Louisiana's vital records office is shut down - it must be in New Orleans, I don't know. But there is NO WORD on when it may be up and running...
Things I have gotten done: (I am putting these down so you know the progress, but also to keep myself accountable to help me get things done!!) I have requested and already received the letter of verification of my employment from my HR - notarized and ready to go! Also requested Lee's but nothing yet.
Heard back from AWAA that our letter to the CCAA was acceptable with minor changes! (If you don't know these acronyms, scroll down to old blogs.)
Appointments scheduled for the 10th for "adoption physicals" - I never knew there was such a thing! I JUST had a physical, so they are going to see me for anything the regular one didn't cover.
I have started to gather photos for our family collection that they require - some formal; some random, casual family photos; and some of the house with no people in the photos.
Points of prayer - please pray that the home study can get scheduled soon. This is imperative and has to do with the licensing being completed for our social worker. Also, as stated above, Lee's birth certificate...
That's it for now. Heading for bed. Lots of love! Dawn
So the word is that we need to request updated marriage and birth certificates (even though we already have them) because apparently the date expires and we have to have new ones for the CCAA (Chinese Center for Adoption Affairs) with a date stamp within the year of adoption. So... a little more money out the door! The main problem is because of Katrina, the state of Louisiana's vital records office is shut down - it must be in New Orleans, I don't know. But there is NO WORD on when it may be up and running...
Things I have gotten done: (I am putting these down so you know the progress, but also to keep myself accountable to help me get things done!!) I have requested and already received the letter of verification of my employment from my HR - notarized and ready to go! Also requested Lee's but nothing yet.
Heard back from AWAA that our letter to the CCAA was acceptable with minor changes! (If you don't know these acronyms, scroll down to old blogs.)
Appointments scheduled for the 10th for "adoption physicals" - I never knew there was such a thing! I JUST had a physical, so they are going to see me for anything the regular one didn't cover.
I have started to gather photos for our family collection that they require - some formal; some random, casual family photos; and some of the house with no people in the photos.
Points of prayer - please pray that the home study can get scheduled soon. This is imperative and has to do with the licensing being completed for our social worker. Also, as stated above, Lee's birth certificate...
That's it for now. Heading for bed. Lots of love! Dawn
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