See, Josiah, we shoot deer a little differently in the city...
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Late Pictures of Moving Day
Friday, June 27, 2008
Thankful Thursday (a little late!)
It turns out that Thursday was a day to be thankful (well, every day can be for one reason or another, if you have the right attitude, I suppose) because we got the most recent blood test and cat scan results for my Mama and still NO signs of cancer!! Praise God!
Dr. Shelton's Soothing Ginger Tea
All you have to do is slice up about two teaspoons of fresh ginger...

...put it into one of these...

...and place it in a cup. Next, pour the boiling water and steep for five minutes.
Add a splash of lemon juice and sweeten with a tablespoon of honey.

This miracle concoction is great for indigestion, sour stomach, nausea, sore throat, coughing, nasal congestion, muscle aches, and a host of other maladies.
What are you waiting for? A prescription? Try some today!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Wonderful Wednesday!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Turdy Tuesday
Today wasn't terrible. But it wasn't great. Lest I get too whiny I will list a few positives. I saw a bad car accident and I wasn't in it; I was able to get our adoption paperwork overnighted to the Haitian Consulate in Chicago; and I have a great family. But I had icky things to deal with. There is an issue with one part of our Haiti adoption paperwork that I can't go into but need prayer for a resolve. A weird, unexplainable thing. Part of the problem is the fact that we don't know how to go about resolving it. When that happens in life, the "thing" eats at ya and when you turn it over to God to handle it creeps back into your brain space.
The next thing was that I had a work related thingy to deal with. Also annoying and brain space invading. To top it all off, a bird did it's duty, or doody, on me. On my head. SMACK on the TOP of my HEAD. (I can hear you laughing...cut it out)

Sunday, June 22, 2008
Don't Call ME a DIVA!!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Corene Bean

Monday, June 16, 2008
I'm in Denial...
One of our cats, Nika, died on May 29. We had thought that Ezra would go first -- he is older and isn't necessarily, um, doing very well. In fact, he has been tossing his cookies for some time now. He is losing weight (our big fat cat ain't so fat anymore), his front legs shake when he is sitting or standing, he's meowing often (not like him) and leaving undesirable deposits around. We think it may be time. to. call. the. vet.
The vet is Carla, our good friend (pictured here with the pups), who in this case, would make a house call since Ezra doesn't handle car-rides very well. We have been discussing the inevitability of this for some time. My father, a former farmer, has also offered to "take care things" for us, but I just can't go that route. I don't even want to know what that route is!
Ezra is somewhere around 18 years old or so -- 16 and a half of those years have been with us. Are we really going to have to say goodbye to both of our cats within weeks of each other? After all these years of cats? I. am. in. de. nial. Ezra is the one who has let two year olds pull clumps of fur out of his side and he just looks on. He has been stepped on, laid on, sat on, and he just deals. He is the best cat with kids and everyone loves him. He gets along with our dogs well. He sleeps by us. He has an extra special quality. I. am. in. de. nial. Waaaaaah................
Friday, June 13, 2008
Eat Dessert, Help a Child!

Random Updates Again

This is the weather we DID have:
So glad the meteorologists got that one wrong. Hello to our dear friend, Fred, who is a meteorologist and who I am SURE called this one better than the rest! :) Hi Rico! Hugs to you and Jinglebritches!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Foody Friday - Hubby's Favorite Foods

4 large onions, peeled and finely chopped
1 stick of butter
2 tablespoons flour
2 quarts seafood stock
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
1 cup sweet green pepper, finely chopped
1 cup celery, finely chopped3 bay leaves
4 teaspoons dried thyme
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper, or to taste
Salt and lots of freshly ground black pepper, to taste
1 pound raw shrimp, peeled and deveined
1-1/2 to 2 cups cooked crabmeat1-1/2 cups fresh oysters
File powder, to taste
Cooked white rice
1. In a cast iron pot or skillet, melt the butter over medium heat. Add the onions, and sauté until they are soft and translucent. Do not brown.
2. Slowly sprinkle the flour over the onion mixture and using a wooden spoon, stir it into the butter and onions. Continue to stir gently until the roux takes on a rich, dark brown color. This may take 20 to 30 minutes. Lower the heat if necessary to keep it from burning. (Do not leave unattended.)
3. While making the roux, heat the stock until it is very hot. When the roux has acquired a dark brown color, pour in the hot stock. (If you are using a skillet to make the roux, transfer it to a medium stock pot when it is done and then add the stock.) Stir until the roux and the stock are combined.
4. Add the other ingredients except for the seafood, file and rice. Stir and simmer very, very slowly for 2 hours. Then add the shrimp and simmer gently for 20 minutes. Add the crab and simmer a few minutes. Toss in the oysters and simmer until their edges curl, just a minute or two.
5. Serve hot in a big bowl with hot cooked rice. Sprinkle with file powder to taste and serve. Other types of gumbo are chicken and okra, shrimp and sausage, or other combinations of seafood, meat and fowl.

1 c. yellow corn meal
1/2 c. all purpose flour
1 tsp. salt1 c. buttermilk
1/2 c. milk1 egg
1 T. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/4 c. plus 2 T. shortening
Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Heat shortening in an iron skillet, muffin pan, or other baking pan. Combine corn meal, flour and salt in mixing bowl. In a separate bowl, combine buttermilk, milk and egg. Add baking powder and baking soda. Stir. Add 1/4 cup melted shortening, stirring constantly. Pour into hot pan, smoothing surface with spatula. Bake for 20 - 25 minutes or until golden brown on top. If desired, spread butter over top when removed from the oven.

4 eggs 1 c. brown sugar (dark or light)
3/4 c. light corn syrup (can use dark)
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 c. melted butter
1 tsp. vanilla extract
2 cups pecans, chopped
9-inch unbaked pie shell
1/3 cup (about 25) nice looking pecan halves
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Beat eggs well in a large bowl. Add brown sugar, corn syrup, salt, melted butter and vanilla to eggs, mix thoroughly. Sprinkle chopped pecans in pie shell. Pour egg mixture over pecans. Arrange pecan halves around edge of filling next to crust for decoration. Bake on middle rack of oven for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to 325 degrees and continue baking for 25 to 30 minutes, until set. (May take a few minutes longer.) Cool to room temperature and serve.
To be clear, my MIL prefers to serve french bread with her gumbo.
To be clear, I don't think I will be making a roux anytime soon but only because I don't want Lee to drop dead. And, um, what is FILE powder? Ok, so, honey? I am taking you out to a restaurant for Father's Day!
Sunday, June 08, 2008
This Week's Weather Forecast
As we were about to turn in last night, we noticed how warm it was in the house and wondered if we should turn on the AC. "What's the temperature going to get down to tonight?" Dawn asked. I didn't know.
I wasn't at a computer, so I called the free KARE11 weather service and put it on speaker phone. This is what we heard...
(If the flash player doesn't load, click here.)
There's nothing like a good laugh just before going to sleep!
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Tardy ADHD Weekend Update (it jumps all over, folks!)
When yet another run to Home Depot was required for all the projects at my parent's house, I grabbed my nephew's keys and his kids and we got the emergency stash (Jenny was teaching flute lessons). Here are the kids in the "CARt". The girls had a fun time "driving" while Isaac played with something I dug out of my purse. I had a lot of fun, too!
One of my favorite things to do is to go garage-saling. To survive the long Minnesota winters I hit the thrift stores, but that only addresses the chick who likes a good bargain. The garage sale is is a bit of Americana, a glimpse into other's lives, and my favorite part - the people. People are always nicer at garage sales. If the same people were shopping next to each other in Target, no one would be chatting! (pausing to lament over how long my hair was in this picture...GROW, HAIR! GROW!)
So when my friend (and former neighbor), Carla, called and asked me to go to the area-wide garage sale day in my old neighborhood I had to go. I was a bit conflicted since both of my sisters were in to help work on my folks' house, but I just decided I needed to take a couple of hours and GO! It is sooo fun. It looks life a county fair there are so many people walking around. In years past I have tried driving, but you only get stuck in the alleys waiting for other pedestrians or cars. I tried to walk it one year. Too slow! Too much ground to cover!! So, last year, I rode my bike. And I ran into Carla. On her way somewhere. This year she decided that she would like to go, too, so off we rode and had a GREAT time (I always have fun with Carla!) and it was such a lovely day. I have a basket on my bike (I have the most beeee-u-tiful bike...) and I also brought a backpack. I left my camera at my parent's house, so no pics of the event :(, but I did take a picture of a couple of the things that I got!
We found twin bedding for Philippe's bunkbeds (that we ordered last weekend while furniture shopping for my parent's furniture at the fabulous Becker Furniture World). I got beige and burgundy soft canvas-y duvet covers with shams. I was kind of bummed because I really had wanted plaid but couldn't argue with the praticality of the price. For some reason, I had pictured plaid in my head for his room. Then, at another sale, there was a plaid queen duvet for $5! So I am going to make curtains and pillows for the beds, and I think that will be better than if I had plaid bedding - too much PLAID!! Plus, Curtains, bed covers, and pillows all for $13. I just need to get duvets at IKEA sometime.
Ok, so switching back to the existing parental home - if I was really smaht I would have taken before pictures, but alas, I am not so smaht, so here are just a few after pictures. These are all the main rooms on the upper two levels. The lower two are, well, not done yet!!
Cleaned off walls, mudded holes, fresh paint...
This is actually Patricia's new bedding that we are using to "stage" the small bedroom that I lived in from 1979-1986, before I moved downstairs to the big bedroom. Looks different now...I had Granny Smith apple green shag!!
After almost 60 years of marriage they bought a queen-sized bed for their new house - I told them they are gonna wish they had done that sooner!
This is the most wonderful view from the deck. In high school and college we would set up a volleyball net "down the hill" and had a blast!! One really hot day we filled water balloons and played volleyball with them - never really knowing when they were going to pop!
Ok, so my last random ramble...we have had a lot of severe weather lately. I haven't been in a tornado warning in years, and then I was in two in less than a week. Unfortunately, there were two deaths when a tornado touched down in Hugo. I take the warnings seriously and it drives me crazy to see my husband watching out the window!! Here is the sky after the last warning in our area. There were no touchdowns, thankfully.
Ok, I shutty uppy now :)