Our prediction for LID 2006-03-13
China has 13 days of dossiers to be processed before they get to your dossier. China currently processes about 6.1 days of dossiers each month.
Our best guess: 2009-03-07
We are on the home stretch, folks. Our prayer is that this information does not change because we also have Haiti adoption news!

The next question people are asking is if we will be bringing them home on this trip. No, we will NOT be bringing them home. It will be a long shot for them to come home anytime in 2009 since Haiti processes paperwork so slowly. Please pray over the kids and over the adoption process. We just want everybody on one continent, in one country, in one house.
One thing I am having a hard time with is that Lee's grandma was so excited about her great-grandkids and she asked about them all the time. We are so sad that she passed before they came home. Ok, here come the tears again...aaagh! This keeps happening! Anyway, let's see what happens with China...they usually do referrals in the first two weeks of the month, so some are hoping that MAYBE they are trying to get extra batches in before Chinese New Year and that MAYBE there will still be one more batch of referrals in January...
Here is what our dear friend, Linda Wilde, wrote to us after reading this blog post:
"I was just reading your adoption update. I had a picture in my mind of you and Lee 'trudging through the wilderness' and I saw God's point of view as well. He was/is taking every step with you, hiking every twist and turn, climbing over every obstacle, dismantling every wall between you and your daughter, encouraging you, stopping for a rest and a drink of water, 'Come on, you guys. Keep going. I know the way, take another step with Me.'
His point of view is a little more complex. While He trudges with you, He is also walking on a straight, smooth, clear road. There's a little girl at the end of the road, and He is walking right to her. There are many other little girls along the way, but they are not Olivia. Olivia is at the end, and He is making a beeline for her. He will reach her and pick her up in His arms, kiss her, and then hand her to you. And it has taken months and months and months--and it will take no time at all."