Sunday, September 30, 2007
I Cut My Hair
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Treatment Update

Some of my friends from the adoption community have asked her name, since I always refer to her as "my mom"! Her name is Pauline. Thanks to EVERYONE praying for her!
Mom is doing well, feeling well, so that is good! We pray for the chemo to attack only what it should, that her health will be strong through this, and that the long list of side effects for these meds will stay away!!! (This picture was taken on my parent's 59th anniversary, last month.)
Sunday, September 23, 2007
"Congratulations, You Have Ovarian Cancer"

She starts chemotherapy this Tuesday. Our family is of strong faith and has prayers pouring over us, which is wonderful. We are still a bit in shock, and we are definitely learning more about cancer and treatment than we ever dreamed, but we are rallying, too! My mom said she is determined to face it.
If you are praying for my mom, can you please post a comment here or email me and tell me the city and state in which you live? I'd like to add you to our "Prayer Map", a project I am working on to give me something to do and to give my mom a "visual" of how many people are praying for her. If you live in a small town, please list the town and the nearest big city, too. THANK YOU!
One of her dear friends said, "Maybe this is why you are having to wait for Olivia...God knew your mom needed you to take care of her right now." As I was growing up, when I was burdened about something, my mom told me to visualize placing that burden on God's lap. Right now, I am placing our burden there, but I am also visualizing God's arms around my dear, sweet Mama, lifting her up and holding her close.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
More on "Bail and Sail"
I had to post this beautiful email we got from my cousin. Please make sure you read my post from September 12 before you read this.
Dear Dawn and family,
In recent days I have been reading and rereading the story of the storm, the disciples, and Jesus. It must have been one terrific storm for even the fishermen to be afraid. I wonder what they woke Jesus up for. It seems that they might have wanted to blame him as he suggested the trip. It seems that they might have just wanted Him to worry with them, for when He answered their fears by calming the storm immediately, they were more terrified of His power than they were the storm. I think they finally began to realize just whom they were dealing with and that it wasn't just about them, but for His glory. My prayer for you all today is that that same Jesus will be so near to you today that you will physically as well as spiritually feel His presence and experience His answers. I pray for incredible and deep wisdom for the doctors as they look into this situation with Aunt Pauline. I suppose that it wouldn't hurt all of us to be reminded that Jesus doesn't need to sleep anymore. God bless you all as you go through this time.
Much love,
Dear Dawn and family,
In recent days I have been reading and rereading the story of the storm, the disciples, and Jesus. It must have been one terrific storm for even the fishermen to be afraid. I wonder what they woke Jesus up for. It seems that they might have wanted to blame him as he suggested the trip. It seems that they might have just wanted Him to worry with them, for when He answered their fears by calming the storm immediately, they were more terrified of His power than they were the storm. I think they finally began to realize just whom they were dealing with and that it wasn't just about them, but for His glory. My prayer for you all today is that that same Jesus will be so near to you today that you will physically as well as spiritually feel His presence and experience His answers. I pray for incredible and deep wisdom for the doctors as they look into this situation with Aunt Pauline. I suppose that it wouldn't hurt all of us to be reminded that Jesus doesn't need to sleep anymore. God bless you all as you go through this time.
Much love,
Thursday, September 13, 2007

I wonder when I will run out of cute numbers! Today it has been 18 months since our paperwork was logged in (LID) to China's system. To an original time-line of 6-8 months. The last batch of referrals came in at 21 months from LID so perhaps we are actually getting closer. We refuse to hold our breaths on the 21 month idea though it would be a wonderful Christmas present. Right now our energy is focused on my Mama. (See one post prior.)
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Bail & Sail
The evening of our adoptiversary (09-06-07) was devastating. I had waited with my dad in the hospital for the surgeons to come and tell us how my mom's surgery went. When the time went longer than we expected, my imagination went wild. "What if something really serious happened? What if she doesn't do well during surgery?" I was relieved and excited to see the two surgeons come around the corner. They were familiar - they were the same men that operated on my dad for prostate cancer just last year. The relief lasted only seconds. One said, "The surgery went well, she did great...but we found some cancer while we were in there."
These are words that have definitely changed the lives of the Wilson clan. We found out Saturday the 8th that it is inoperable. My sweet mama, my dear mama, has inoperable cancer! How? Why? What in the world? Well, if you know my mom, you will not be surprised that she is being positive. She went from being shocked and saying, "I just can't believe it" and wondering, "Why me?" on Saturday to saying, "Why not me? Millions of people deal with illness all the time - why should I be exempt?" on Sunday. I think that is remarkable to come to terms with it that much, that fast.
I called my brother Paul early this morning. He reminded me of the story of the Sea of Galilee when the disciples were afraid on their boat, caught in the sudden storm. Jesus was sleeping. They woke him up and accused Him of not caring about what happened to them. Jesus calmed the storm and He asked them, "Why are you so afraid? Where is your faith?"
As the disciples were afraid, with the water rising and filling the boat, my fears are also swelling. I am trying to follow my parents' remarkable example of strong, amazing faith in God and I am grateful to my brother for reminding me of this story. He said, "We are in a storm and we need to bail and sail."
After other tests this week, we will find out on Friday if they can narrow down the primary origin of the cancer so that they will know how to best treat it and what the prognosis is.
Please pray for our family as we bail and sail and deal with the news to come and the continuing changes that are ahead.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Two Years and Counting...

Exactly two years ago today we decided to adopt. That is a 24 month pregnancy so far. The one thing I can guarantee you in all of this is that Lee and I never thought that this adoption would take from 2005 to 2008 to complete. We know people who have had two kids during that time!
We wanted to use this post to answer some FAQs:
1. We are not the only waiting family affected by the wait (how flattering, though…)
2. It will NOT help us to change agencies. We have a wonderful Christian agency ( and the wait is NOT their fault.
3. We could change to another country that our agency works with, but we do NOT choose to do this, because now, as before, we believe the Lord has a daughter for us in China.
4. We don’t know why it is taking so long. That is the million dollar question. Our personal theory is that it is related to the Olympics somehow.
5. The soonest we will get a referral as of right now is JANUARY. It will more likely be closer to MAY.
6. No, it is not an option for us to cease this adoption for any reason. As difficult as this may be for some to understand, we are emotionally attached to our CHINESE daughter. Even though we still have a desire to have a child biologically, this is the path we started on, and we are finishing the race. I am saddened to be asked if it would “matter” if we didn’t adopt. Isn’t getting pregnant what we want anyway? We will see what happens with that when we get home from China, but adoption is not a last resort for us.
7. Yes, the longer we wait, the more the costs increase (all updates with the U.S. Government) Already the delays have cost us an additional $1100, just in the last six months.
8. Yes, it is stretching our faith and patience. YES, it is hard. But we trust in God for the “right” child for us and in His perfect timing.
9. Yes, please pray for the millions of orphans and children needing homes waiting around the world.
10. Yes, please pray for the three of us. For Olivia, for our finances, and for us to all be together very soon.
Thanks to all who have been praying for us and supporting us during this time. We greatly appreciate it!
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