We found these plastic boxes, that look like Chinese to-go containers, at Michael's for a buck each (thanks to Tanya for this tip!)
Here is our house on Christmas day:

Nine people at the main table:

31 total! WHEW!
The rest of the pictures are at my parents' new house, where we kept the tradition of opening gifts. So after the meal, we all did the one mile trip over there.
Here are all five Wilson kids (with spouses standing behind), from left to right, youngest to oldest. Did you need me to tell ya that? :) I was five weeks old at my brother's wedding.
Yes, I was a surprise, or as my Mama says, a BONUS! :)

Here are all the grandkids, including one fiance', two spouses and three great-grandkids.

Here is the entire Wilson family with the exception of my sister's 23-year-old daughter who had just returned from a three month trip to Africa, and the Shelton kids.
It was a lovely, hectic, crazy time and we had a ball. We are very excited, though, about next Christmas! We at least know that our Olivia will be home for that one. Don't know about Patricia and Philippe...

Here is the entire Wilson family with the exception of my sister's 23-year-old daughter who had just returned from a three month trip to Africa, and the Shelton kids.

Hope you all had wonderful hours, days, or like us, weeks :) with your family!
Happy 2009! We are looking forward to a wonderful year!
Very nice. I have little family (that I know--I don't know my dad's side) and no one near us at all. I think that's part of the reason I want a lot of kids.
You had a full house!! How wonderful!
Awesome! What a great time for all of you. Big families are loud, but so much fun! Your mom and dad look so good. We are excited for you as you look forward to 2009.
You did it! YAY! It will be even more wonderful with Olivia there (or Oliver).. I only said that cuz you can't hit me. xoxoxo Happy (and healthy) New Year. Love you all..
You definitely are a BONUS! I had no idea the age difference was that much with you and your sibs. I love all the pics - you all look so happy.
I adore that staircase picture, what a great idea! It looks like you had a great holiday! I hope next Christmas there are more children in that picture!
WOW! Great pics and I thought it was hard to get 6 kids to look at the camera! Great job! Happy New Year!
Was just looking back through your older posts today and came across the pictures from Wilson Christmas 2008. You wrote that the Shelton kids were missing (not home yet) but that you knew little Olivia would be home for the next Christmas (in 2009). And she was! You also wrote that you didn't know about Patricia and Philippe...turns out they just barely missed Christmas 2009...and are most certainly here for Christmas this year! How much all of your lives have changed since your original post. I am amazed.
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