It was a suprisingly challenging adventure, but we finally booked our flights for Haiti!! It's a long story why it hadn't been booked yet, much of which was out of our control, but I am not going through all of that now. I am just glad we finally could get it taken care of and it is BOOKED! We meet our kids on MARCH 19!!! We are still praying that we can get our referral for Olivia in March as it would be so special to be able to tell Patricia and Philippe, "Sa se se ou" (this is your sister - tee hee!)
I am able to get things done and get where I need to be when I need to be there, but I have to say, my brain is constantly on these kids, what to pack when we go, what it will be like to meet them, if they will be comfortable with us, etc, etc, etc. I am just a flake because I am soooo excited about the next few months. I am having to write everything down because I am being so forgetful. I never used to be forgetful, but more and more lately, I have been. Wait. What was I saying? I forgot.
I am able to get things done and get where I need to be when I need to be there, but I have to say, my brain is constantly on these kids, what to pack when we go, what it will be like to meet them, if they will be comfortable with us, etc, etc, etc. I am just a flake because I am soooo excited about the next few months. I am having to write everything down because I am being so forgetful. I never used to be forgetful, but more and more lately, I have been. Wait. What was I saying? I forgot.
Anyway, we are just taking things day by day...I have a business trip this week (to LA - 75 degrees - thank you Jesus! They say it will be 15-20 below here this week...), we helped Lee's family sort through Grandma's belongings today, which was tough, and of course with the pending trips in the coming months, we have to just try to continue to function on a daily basis...work, eat, sleep and breathe!! :)
How exciting, will be praying for your family
Jasmine and I are signed up for that same trip. I haven't booked my tickets yet. They are not refundable and sometimes weird stuff happens and the trip is changed. Ugh. I'm not sure what to do because I don't want to wait too long and have all the tickets gone either!!!! Do we know what hotel yet? It makes a big difference on sleepwear and pool stuff.
Jock & I are going the week before that. I know all too well the feelings of preparing for the trip. Email me if you have questions - one of my email addresses is on my blog. I know I had a million questions before our first trip that I asked others who'd traveled before me. The yahoo groups are a great resource as well. Are you on the "borninourhearts-fromhaiti" group? It's new and has been very active.
I'm glad you're going, but like Lisa, I (maybe we) are on the trip the first week.
I'm sure we'll be at Habitation Hatt again.
This is so great... the best of luck for what happens...I can understand why you are SUPER nervous...
Praying this will be a wonderful trip for all of you.
(P.S. The banana bread was wonderful!)
That it awesome that you have tickets booked! I am really praying for an early March referral for you guys. I know that it's going to be a crazy spring & summer for you guys!
Hang in there, you're in my prayers.
I am so looking forward to seeing pictures of you with your kids! Have a safe trip!
I am soo excited for you guys! Can't wait to hear more!!!
Wanted to let you know that the forgetfulness is just "pregnancy brain" commom amongst ALL expectant women. There is no cure, but I've heard that it goes away after the kiddos turn 18 --I won't know that for awhile :).
Have a great day!!!
Goodness. What an emotional roller coaster you've been on lately! I CAN NOT wait for you to meet your Haitian sweeties, and I am praying with all my heart you'll be able to bring along a photo of Olivia. Love to you both!
So much excitement! I think of you often and will be excited to hear of your trip when you return.
Wow! Exciting news! I still say a March China referral for you according to my super duper highly extrapolated China Referral spreadsheet! :-))
So excited for you!
-Karen & Dan
Yea !
How exciting ! I can not wait to see the kids home.
Oh boy - it's really starting!
What a wonderful trip that will be! Be sure to post on your blog while you're there ;0)
YIPPEE!!!!!! I am sure it is exciting to finally have plans to see your kids!
Just can't wait to see photos of you with your Haitian beauties, and praying you have that photo of Olivia to show them!
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