“My (adopted) son from [another country] has fetal alcohol syndrome so he has a hard time understanding certain things, but he is a good kid. Because of his syndrome he won’t be going to college but was planning on going to a vocational school. I have two older biological daughters, and I put them through college and he knows that. He came to me and asked, ‘Dad? You know how you helped [so] and [so] through college? Could you help me to go to vocational school?’ And I said, ‘Son, when we adopted you it cost a great deal of money – did you know it cost the same amount to adopt you as it did for the girls to go to school?’ He didn’t realize that, you see, because it is harder for him to understand sometimes.”
Let me just say this. It is a GOOD thing my mouth was numb and full of implements at that point. Actually, I may have been speechless even if I could have spoken. I can’t believe that someone would hold that over a child’s head. I can’t believe how non-chalantly he told me this. Like it was 100% totally peachy-keen ok to tell your kid that. Or to even THINK that way! You could do it for everything! “Dad, can we order a pizza?” “No, son, I am still paying off your adoption! It cost a great deal of money!” What about a biological child with health problems? Couldn’t you say, “We spent a great deal of money on your health expenses, son, so no, I won’t be helping you with college, but your healthy siblings, well, THEY can get help with theirs.” Where would this type of thinking end? I am so sorry for the child (now a young man) who has grown up with this.
Ummmm, yeah. We are switching dentists. And it is NOT because of the drive.
Where is this loser dentist?
I want to make sure I never visit him.....
I'm speechless. I can't believe he said that. I'd let him know, too, why you're leaving.
I'm speechless. Well, not really, but I don't want to curse on your blog.
OMG. What a loser. Poor kid, I cannot believe he was brought up to believe he is worth less than his siblings because he "cost" more, or because he has a disability. Argh!
That mes me sick to my stomach.
Unbelievable! That is really a disturbed thing to say to ANY CHILD, let along your adopted child! I'm glad you are switching dentists!
My sister, who is 10 years younger, got to go to college & I didn't. It was because back when I was 18 my parents didn't have the money to help me (luckily later they were able to help my sister out). I am not bitter at all about it. Its not like my sister was better than me (right? hee hee).
What your dentist said to his son is just flat out wrong.
Unbelievable! I don't blame you for switching dentists!
You must have fetal alcohol syndrome....because you just don't understand this guy's logic and don't learn the same way.
What a jerk.
There really are no words.
I'm with Cara. I don't think using so many curse words in a comment would be appropriate.
Well you warned me, but I read it anyway. Unbelievable! I think my blood pressure just shot up! I'd let him know why your leaving.
I am so angered by this! Words cannot express. How dare he treat his son in such a way!!!!! I cannot imagine, even on our worst day, telling Nicko ANYTHING that would make him feel like less than our son. AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!
I think Laurence Olivier's character in Marathon Man was based on this guy. (Go on, Google it.)
Incredible! I know there are all kinds of people in this world so I don't know why I'm always surprised when I encounter people like this. It blows me away every time.
Rant on Hunny Bun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my gosh! That is one of the worst things I have ever heard! Especially coming from a father...
Wow, your right it made me mad. Why do people do things like that. Its just not right.
Are you kidding me? I would have poked his eye with one if he dental tools.
oops...see I was so mad I couldn't even spell! I would have poked his eye with ONE OF HIS DENTAL TOOLS! There..much better!
awful, awful, awful.
sick. to. my. stomach.
Can't even comment because what I'd say wouldn't be pretty. I can't believe he made it through all the background checks with that kind of an attitude.
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