Our prediction for LID 2006-03-13
China has 13 days of dossiers to be processed before they get to your dossier. China currently processes about 6.1 days of dossiers each month.
Our best guess: 2009-03-07
We are on the home stretch, folks. Our prayer is that this information does not change because we also have Haiti adoption news!

The next question people are asking is if we will be bringing them home on this trip. No, we will NOT be bringing them home. It will be a long shot for them to come home anytime in 2009 since Haiti processes paperwork so slowly. Please pray over the kids and over the adoption process. We just want everybody on one continent, in one country, in one house.
One thing I am having a hard time with is that Lee's grandma was so excited about her great-grandkids and she asked about them all the time. We are so sad that she passed before they came home. Ok, here come the tears again...aaagh! This keeps happening! Anyway, let's see what happens with China...they usually do referrals in the first two weeks of the month, so some are hoping that MAYBE they are trying to get extra batches in before Chinese New Year and that MAYBE there will still be one more batch of referrals in January...
Here is what our dear friend, Linda Wilde, wrote to us after reading this blog post:
"I was just reading your adoption update. I had a picture in my mind of you and Lee 'trudging through the wilderness' and I saw God's point of view as well. He was/is taking every step with you, hiking every twist and turn, climbing over every obstacle, dismantling every wall between you and your daughter, encouraging you, stopping for a rest and a drink of water, 'Come on, you guys. Keep going. I know the way, take another step with Me.'
His point of view is a little more complex. While He trudges with you, He is also walking on a straight, smooth, clear road. There's a little girl at the end of the road, and He is walking right to her. There are many other little girls along the way, but they are not Olivia. Olivia is at the end, and He is making a beeline for her. He will reach her and pick her up in His arms, kiss her, and then hand her to you. And it has taken months and months and months--and it will take no time at all."
Oh my gosh!! You are so close....2009 is going to be an exciting year...I am so happy for you!!
Happy New Year!
That gave me chills! And yes, it would be such a wonderful blessing to be able to show your kiddos the referral pics of their baby sister. And hey - 3/7/09 is my 38th birthday and I think that sounds like a fabulous day for you to get Olivia's referral. So there :)
That is awesome news!!
We just KNEW happy adoption news would come eventually!!! (Even sad news has a twinge of happy in it when you're delivering, though!) I can hardly contain my joy as I imagine pictures with you and the kids together! Do P & P know yet that you'll come for a visit??rusi
that "rusi" at the end was my word verification biff...
All I know is that I am still giddy with excitement... hehehe... hugs to all your babies waiting for you....
Have a happy and safe 2009
It is so exciting that you are getting closer to your China referral! I think beginning of March is completely realistic as far as predictions too. Will keep praying! How exciting that you get to go to Haiti in March too! What a wonderful month it will be!
I am so excited to see that they are finally in March! I'm really rejoicing for all my fellow March LIDers :-) And the vision of your friend is beautiful, encouraging and Holy Spirit inspired.
How wonderful that you will go to Haiti in March! I'm praying to go as well. I'm actually praying that we will be going to bring our Asher home from Haiti :-)
Sound like you will have an active spring this year! I can't wait to see how it will all unfold. God Bless, Terry
What a wise, sweet friend you have! I so believe God brings kids into our lives in very purposeful ways. As we've prayed over the course of the last 5 years, we have prayed for many kids whom we thought might be part of our family. Of course, only 2 of those kids are but I have to think that God had a plan that involved us praying for many kids who may not have ever been prayed over before. And when we had a foster placement, the very day she was leaving, she heard a song on the radio and wanted to know why Jesus died so I got to share the whole Gospel story with her. God seems to know just how to join families together. (Someone remind me of that once my kids are home and I'm doubting if I can really do the parenting thing.)
Hey Dawn,
You don't know me, but I thought I should introduce myself since I have been snooping for so long! I enjoy reading your blog! My name is Karen, and my husband is Bob. We are also adopting from China with a LID of 3/22/07 so we have a long wait ahead of us! I am sorry to hear about Lee's grandmother. I can certainly relate. I just lost my dad unexpectadly on December 6 which was one day before my parents' 45th anniversary. I know what you mean about how painful it is when you wanted so much for Lee's grandmother to meet her adopted great grandchildren. My dad was also very excited and very involved in our adoption process. I am having a difficult time and am very angry with the wait since he will never be able to meet Robin which will be our first child. I will pray for an early 2009 referral for you...you have been waiting so long! I think that's wonderful that you will be able to meet Patricia and Phillipe in March! It looks as though 2009 will be very exciting for you!
Karen Margroff
Waiting for Robin LID 3/22/07
What can I say but "Wow!" We are excited! (I just hope it's warmer when the kids come home to Minnesnowta!) And 3-07 is also Papa Lee's birthday!
That is soo exciting about your China adoption!! I hope your referral comes before you go to Haiti!! Happy new year!
What an awesome update Dawn! I am so excited for you! 2009 is off to a very exciting start for you guys! You brought up some strong memories for me, too. We said goodbye to my grandmother shortly before our referral as well. She so desperately wanted to meet her new great-grandchild. Anyway, one thought that gave me peace was knowing that she'd be there to meet our daughter. My mom reminded me that Grandma was going to be with us every single step of the way. She'd even get to witness those first few tender and exciting moments when we'd meet our daughter! Think of the party in heaven at that moment! :) God bless your new year!!!
The whole thing brings tears to my eyes. So exciting!! You have waited and trusted and waited and trusted some more. It will be a very exciting year!
Happy New Year
What wonderfully exciting news, on both fronts!
I am so happy for you guys. This is going to be a fantastic year! I am definitely praying you'll be able to take a photo of Olivia with you to Haiti to show the P's. That would be just wonderful! I'm sure Grandma is rejoicing with you in heaven, but I'm sorry for your pain at not having her around during these exciting, final days.
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