Sunday, July 13, 2008

28 Months Since LID

Well, today marks 28 months to our 6-8 month wait! Hardee har har! If adopting from China has taught us anything, we have learned to be skeptical patient and realize that in life you just can't have expectations, really. Think about it. If you have low or no expectations (with, say, pretty much anything) things are good! People certainly don't disappoint if you don't project your expectations upon them and happenings and events in your life can have the same result.

We do believe that while we know China puts great effort into their matches (they don't just take the next family in line and match them with the next child in line), we have faith in our Lord that ultimately HE is charge of this process and who our daughter is, and yes, even when she will come home!

Phil 1:6 "And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ."

So they have given referrals to those registered before 1-25-06. Our documents were registered on 3-13-06. Most projections still have us getting our referral in January, some say March. The next few months will be very telling as we get past the Olympics. It would be fabulous if after the Olympics things speed up. The reason for the delay that we have received from China is that there are not enough babies, so if that is accurate, there will likely not be a speed-up.

Our friends with a November 2005 LID got their baby in October 2007. Our friends with a January 2006 LID will be traveling in August 2008. Those two families only had two months between their log ins, but 10 months between travel times.

So I guess what I am saying is that we still don't know anything!


kayder1996 said...

We're a FHG family that found your blog from another FHG family's blog. We have friends who are adopting from China and really have a very similar feelings about it. I don't think they've waited as long but the feeling of going nowhere, of feeling like you're going backwards in terms of waiting is so discouraging to them. Know you're not alone.

Dawn S. said...

Thanks, Kayla! Like your blog, too! Thanks for stopping by so I could check yours out, too!

Vivian M said...

The wait and unknown is horrible, but I am hoping and praying things speed up after the Olympics.
Hang in there!

Katy said...

I am sorry for your long long wait, Dawn..that has to be so hard. I can't imagine there not being enough babies.. I am praying for you! God knows exactly which child He wants you to have.

CG said...

I'd like to ask you a few questions about Chinese adoption. Would you mind emailing me? gregswifeatgmaildotcom

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