The first night we got back with Olivia, Lee had to go do paperwork (imagine that!) and Olivia and I went to the hotel room. She did not want to be held. I put her on our bed and we just stared at each other. This is one of the sweet looks I got, but mostly she just stared at me with no facial reaction.

Later, when she got her first bottle, she would not let me hold it. I let her do this for her first bottle, but when she pushed me away on the second bottle, I pulled her hand off and held the bottle and put her hand on me. She let me and has ever since.You can also see in this picture that she is turned away from me, which she did if we got too close for her comfort level.

She slept from 6-8pm, and we got her up for a bottle and bath, and then she slept from 9-6. The girls all had a 6 hour bus ride to get to us so they were all so tired, plus they had colds and bug bites, too.
The first morning at breakfast - she did GREAT. She ate banana, watermelon, porridge, and egg.

She makes some really goofy faces that make us laugh!! She has so many different looks.

Our first family photo...we have an online friend who is also adopting from the same orphanage in Haiti, and she heads there this week. She is taking some things for Patricia and Philippe and she is printing this picture to take to them, too! Thanks, Katy!

Isn't she perfect???

We know we are way behind on blogging and will try to catch up! We have to purchase our interenet every day and try to time it so we aren't buying it when we are going to be leaving soon, and also, we don't have wireless and it makes it harder to blog from a desk instead of getting to use the computer on the bed so we can rest a little, too! :)
If you missed our raffle, please click
here. It is a really cool item, and we saw bracelets of the same exact shape at the jade market. We only have one person entered so far, so please look! :)
oh my goodness! she is ridiculously adorable. i don't know if this level of cuteness is legal!!!
love her t-shirt :)
That face she makes is AWESOME!!
Oh wow - she is soooo cute! Have I mentioned that she is cute? And Charlotte and I did that same staring at each other on the bed while Adam did paperwork. I adore her shirt and your first family photo. That is a treasure and Patricia and Phillipe will love it. Our girls also had cold and bug bites. Charlotte always mentioned her bug bites on her forehead when she sees the China pics. They were gone by about day 3. The colds took about a month to go away - I think some is just the pollition junk getting out of their lungs once they get back to the states. Thank you for posting pics!
She is so cute, love the one in the tshirt "worth the wait"!
She is soooo adorable!! I am happy for you that you are getting to spend time with her.
Wow, Olivia is SO precious! I love your photos and your blogging! We are praying for your journey! Love the updates! Know your MN Red Thread friends area all cheering you on!
Awwww...hurry and bring that baby home to us! She is precious. Thanks for posting new pics - we needed the fix!
Seriously, she's cuter than ever, each time I see a new pic, she just gets cuter!
You are so amazing, Dawn and Lee. So calm, so nurturing, so comfortable with her. I'm SO excited for you, and frankly, I'm super excited for Olivia. How blessed she is!
So great to see more pictures and read your update. Love seeing photos of your adorable little girl with her mommy and daddy! Can't wait to see more and meet her in person!
HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAMA!!! Thanks for another great update! Hope had that same pink onsie. :) The family photo is absolutely precious! Thinking of you constantly here in WI.
She IS perfect! Keep the pics coming.
She is just too cute for words! You are doing great with posting. It is so much fun to see and hear about your journey so far! We were spoiled on our last trip, free internet came with the room and they had a computer in the room!! Enjoy your time as a family! We see you together and that is all that matters! Hugs
Happy Birthday more B-days without OLIVIA!! How great is that!
perfect is RIGHT!!!! I can't wait to meet her!
BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I loved the family photo!!!!
Praying for you all in TN!
Dawn I am sooo happy for you finally!!!!!!!!! Olivia is just WAY too cute!!! I have been following your blog daily but just haven't posted until now since you've been bombarded with other posts. I'm so happy--I'm just SO HAPPY!!!!! (And yes, she IS IS IS IS perfect!)
She is soo cute!!! I promise the bonding does get better with time. Just take it one step at a time!!!
She is perfect, beautiful, wonderful and so worth the wait! Tears are streaming down my face. Thank you jesus for setting orphans in families! Thank you God for picking the Sheltons for Olivia and her for them!
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