For as long as I can remember, I have had a love affair with Bugs Bunny. Here I am in 1978 at my birthday party opening the best present EVER! I gasped when I pulled out the bright white and gray bunny, who was smiling back at me.

Bugs has traveled all over the United States with me and went off to college with me. The first time I didn't take him on a trip I felt like I was betraying him. The song, "When She Loved Me" from
Toy Story 2 makes me cry because I felt so touched by the words. Because. of. Bugs. I loooooooove him.
Here I am now, with my well-loved Bugs.

So it was an easy decision how to decorate the nursery, which will also be Patricia's room when she comes home. I know that my girls will not always want Bugs Bunny in their room, but I will ride the wave as long as I can!

Here is Patricia's bed and dolls for the girls

Some of my collection of Bugs paraphernalia

A wall hanging that Lee got for me about 10 years ago or so, paired with vinyl lettering

A vintage Bugs Bunny lamp that also has a night light

Both Lee and I love this picture of Bugs and wanted to buy it but it was way out of our financial reach. I mentioned this to my boss a long time ago (who is a fabulous artist), and he said he would paint it for a much more affordable rate. We love it and it was worth every penny. When the girls don't want it in their room anymore, I will find another wall somewhere else in the house!

This comfy chair was purchased in 2005, when we thought we had a 6-8 month wait for Olivia. Glad it still works with the room! It is a rocker, so we can rock Olivia to sleep :)

We love this chandelier that we got at IKEA!

The girls' room is so small that we have the changing table out in the hall. :)

HAHAHA! Finally, eh? It was allllllllllmost done for so long, but now it is just DONE :)
I just love the pic that Tony painted. That is so awesome!
It's ready for her, Dawn!! You're ready!!! It's HERE! It's HERE!
Love the Bugs stuff... hey the old Bugs you have... one word... Ebay...
No, just kidding with you :)
Love it! Looks great you guys!
The room looks fabulous! I keep pinching myself to be sure I'm not dreaming and she will really be here in a couple of weeks!
Looks perfect. Bring 'em on! :)
Love it! That IS a cool painting, and I love your old Bugs. He's the cutest! I think you can watch some old shows online at the Warner Bros site, if you're interested... Since I'm sure you have nothing else to do right now as you get ready to leave to get your long-awaited baby!
Looks great!! I am sure that they will love it!
I think it's awesome that you still have bugs. Room looks great too!!
It looks fantastic!! =) Just two beautiful girls to add....
Dawn - I have chills! I remember posting our completed nurseery pics between referral and travel, and it was such a great feeling. Your nuresry is filled with so much love and personal touches. I adore it. And you are off to China in about two hours to get Olivia. It is SO EXCITING!! YAY. YAY. YAY.
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