My sweet child is very generous and shared her illness with me so both mama and baby were diagnosed with ear infections today and I have a sinus infection, too. Glad to get home since there is nothing like having a high fever in China after some of your travel mates are having to get their temps taken twice a day at the hotel front desk because someone on their flight had a fever! We are already on the mend.
Before we even met our kids we were sooooo blessed by this journey in sooooo many ways. Adoption is a total miracle, and (I'm saying it) to the woman who told me that she "felt sorry for me" that I "would never experience the joy of pregnancy and giving birth", I say that I am sorry that she will never experience the amazing journey of adoption! And this chapter is only just beginning...
By the way, I am extending our raffle because we only have three participants so far and this bracelet is so fabulous I am simply not accepting that!! Please click here to read more.
More pictures to come as we adjust to our happy new lives together!
cute picture :)
So you are home with Olivia? I see the gotcha date! Wow! Praise God! How exciting for you!
She is so beautiful, Dawn. You ALL look just radiant! Praise God!
Happy settling in! As for the woman who made such an ignorant statement, she would probably be totally shocked to know that our family (and others) chose adoption over pregnancy, believing God called us to this. I have never really had a deep desire to be pregnant or give birth. And I find myself total okay with that. If for some reason, God has other plans and I have a baby, great. But I can honestly say, I don't feel like I'm missing out on an experience that I must have to be a woman/mother. It's been so fun watching you guys go get Olivia. Glad you're home.
"to the woman who told me that she "felt sorry for me" that I "would never experience the joy of pregnancy and giving birth", I say that I am sorry that she will never experience the amazing journey of adoption!"
I love this statement! Welcome home!!!!
Kayder, right! Is it about being PREGNANT or being a MOM? I saw once that Martha Stewart's daughter (divorced, over 40) decided she wanted to have a baby (google it) and she was spending SEVERAL thousands every month in this effort with shots and infertility treatments so that she could get pregnant by a sperm donor (gross). She said that without her mother's generous funding she would not be able to do what she was doing. I make SURE now not to buy anything Martha Stewart brand! (I liked her paint colors, once upon a time) While I was watching this (on Oprah, but it was in People magazine, too) I was sickened and I just kept saying, "is about being PREGNANT or being a MOM"???? SO many kids out there that need moms...
Welcome home! It was great to be part of the welcome home crowd and to see you come down those stairs as a family. It seems like ages ago that we met. It's truly awesome to be a part of your life at this point.
Your family photo is a beautiful sight to see. Praying for you during these days of adjustment. CONGRATS!
Welcome home!!!! Love your photo on your blog and we loved following your journey.
I agree, I had adoption on my heart from the time I was 15 and I am so blessed that God has allowed me to adopt!
So glad to see you home and on the road to mending from ear and sinus infections.
Karen & Dan
We have five entries in the raffle. :)
Yay for being home.
Giving birth and holding your child for the first time is awesome. So is adopting and seeing the first picture. There is no one right or better way to build a family.
I'm so, so excited for you all! She is absolutely beautiful (and she looks so tiny in that photo - how cuddle-able :) ).
Happy that you all made it home safe and sound. Thank you for letting me live through on your journey to China. She's beautiful. So anxious and excited for our turn!
She is previous! Welcome home!
Glad your back safe! Been praying for you!
Stacie in TN
Congratulations! She is as beautiful as ever! Welcome Home!
Welcome to the Happy Home of the Shelton's.. What an honor to pray you home little Olivia. Her name fits her perfectly. Just like her parents. xoxoxoxo. Love you and look forward to more updates. Talk to you when your sinuses are better and your hours are back in sync. =)
Welcome home and feel better. You make a beautiful family!
I agree - I often think that I feel sorry for anyone who has not gotten to experience the complete joy of adoption. And hey - nice pic - who took that? LOL.
She is so beautiful and congrats to your wonderful family. And even with ear infections you all are glowing!
I can honestly say that I have "given birth" to all of my children. But my adopted children have a special place inside of me that no biological connection could even touch. And "birthing" them has been a spiritual walk/awakening that I would never have acheived any other way. My Father in Heaven adopted me and I never really understood the extent of that sacrifice He made (becasue he loves us that much!) until now.
I pray you all feel better soon and can't wait until the day your whole family is united! Terry
Welcome home! Sorry to hear Mommy and Olivia are both sick. Hope you are both on the mend. Looking forward to meeting the new addition to the family at our next gathering! Also hope your sleep transition is going well. Give me a holler if you need anything!
Welcome home... sorry it has been a while between visits... life is crazy... hugs to ya..
Welcome home! Now to bring your other two kids home! Any news when?
Hope you all are feeling better soon!
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