So much to blog, so little time! We have many things we want to post, but will post just a few Olivia pics to stop the incessant nagging :)
First time swimming - in her "duckini"- in China

"Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!'"
- Psalm 27:14 (ESV)
Oh, thank you! We've been looking for more pictures, several times a day. :) Now I can get some work done tomorrow.
Olivia is beyond adorable. Smart move posting the will hold us over for a bit!
Love her and you so much. xo
She's so cute I can't even stand it!
Yeah, I'm a little biased. You got a problem with that?
She's so, so sweet! How's she sleeping, eating, adjusting overall? She looks JUST GREAT! I love her happy face in that last pic. Y'all must spend hours just staring at her...
Oh, and I'm dying to know if you've taken her to church yet!
We're all adjusting very well. Olivia is happy and playful and is getting used to our dogs. She still prefers to keep Mom and Dad in sight, but she's beginning to crawl and explore on her own. We're planning on taking her to church this weekend.
love it love it love it love it love it!
All I can say is "YEAH!!"
That last picture is just too cute.
I love them all! Baby Olivia is such a cutie! Congrats again and welcome home!
Hey - that duckini looks strangely familiar...I love all the firsts! Can you believe it?
I think Target was our first official outting. Sad - haha.
Soo cute! Her smiles when she is with mama are precious. I do think mama should take pictures of Olivia with her papa :) So much cuteness in one little person!
You got to celebrate your birthday in China, collecting your little girl?! What an amazing birthday present!
She looks so happy in all of those pictures (except with the grass lol My littlest one hates grass, too.) She must be adjusting well. :)
Oh my goodness she is so adorable!
Beautiful pictures! Good for you for blogging already!
I agree with Lee, she's so cute I can't stand it!!!! (And I don't have a problem with that) :-))
Target was our first official outing too, Grandma and Grandpa drove us in their motorhome since Danika freaked out in her car seat every time when we first came home. (Grandpa doesn't think car seats are necessary so he would tote her anywhere in his motorhome without a car seat!)
So very happy to see you guys home with your precious Olivia!
Oh my son hated grass for a long time after he came home. He also hated snow. LOL Just know that she will eventually outgrow it.
She is soo dang cute!!!
yeah....all my favorite places too...starbucks & target i love taking my boys to both places :) she's so adorable!!!
OH just TONS of it! Imagine this...TRIPLE cuteness when your big kids come home!
Awesome pics! Your Miss O is adorable! Can't wait to meet her!
Oh she is SO gorgeous...
She is so cute, adorable!
Alyzabeth's Mommy for Ten Months
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