We must have lost 5 lbs in water weight on this day! LOOOOOONG, hot day! Went to Tiananmen Square, The Forbidden City, The Summer Palace, a pearl market, and a silk museum. OH! and then we had dinner, and went to a Chinese Acrobat Show. It was about a weeks worth of site-seeing in a day!
Tiananmen Square

The Forbidden City

We got a gift for Olivia at the Pearl Market to give her when she is grown

The Silk Museum

The Summer Palace

Where we had dinner

Chinese Acrobat Show
AWESOME DAY!!! What a fun dinner place. Everything seems so ornate. Awesome that you made it to the pearl market. I wish we would've. Did you see silk comforters at the factory? Ron and I had one on one of our hotel beds over there and then we wished we'd have had one shipped home. They are pretty cool. We're making our shopping lis for someday when we return. :) You're only a day away Dawn!!! Keep trying to sleep. :)
A-HA! First comment! Awesome to see you there! And fantastic bike picture.
Love you!
Haha. second comment. :(
It is an insane amount to do in one day! I remember being so tired I could barely move! Enjoy church tomorrow and then WOW IT IS REALLY HERE!!! Enjoy! Love you guys!
Looks like a lovely day :)
Looks like fun! At least you're both still smiling. I know you're tired...but it's the trip of a lifetime! Can't wait for Gotcha!
LOVE seeing the photos and hearing about your trip as it is happening! My prayers and love are with all three of you. Olivia tomorrow! I'm so thrilled for you! Love you tons! - Margie
So cool to see pics of you guys in Beijing! Looks like its still "cloudy" there ;0)
I think I am going to need a rest from the whole trip when I go there...
three different hair-dos in one day, dawn. it makes sense. you visited about 300 places!!!
i love you guys!!!!
YAY! I am glad you got her a gift at the pearl market, too. The gift will have such meaning! I love all the Beijing pics. You were cherish all of these memories forever.
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