Ever wonder if your childhood impatience contributed to God bringing you around to adoption? (I'm asking that with a wink on my face so don't be offended.) It's definitely crossed my mind as I am the type of person who very rarely waits for anything. I'm very go go go and driven so adoption has of course forced me to let go of some of those tendancies. And I was born that way. My mom says when I was baby I often refused to go to sleep simply because I was afraid of missing out on things. She says she used to just prop me up, straight up, on the couch to put me to sleep because I refused to lay flat on my back. Basically too impatient and insistent to sleep. Good qualities to possess, I know. (You'll notice I'm writing this at almost 2 am. Not sleeping at night has apparently become my hobby for the last few days.)
By the way, when is your silent auction? I've been thinking about a purse but I'd like to do something special just for you that will remind people of you. Kayla
I still think its so funny that we were both logged in on the same month/year and now we are both adopting from the same O in Haiti.... It's coming, the wait will end! Everyday you wake up is another day closer. Oh what a special little girl she must be! By the way, your TAGGED if you want to play! Go to my Blog for details. Terry
Hope it's any time now.
Is your Haiti countdown from when you turned in your completed dossier? It has been 503 days since I turned in my dossier.
I love that look. I think it sums it all up well. And I think she might be the cutest little girl in the world ;)
Wow - 31 months. 9.5 months longer than we waited. Unbelievable.
Great picture!
Ever wonder if your childhood impatience contributed to God bringing you around to adoption? (I'm asking that with a wink on my face so don't be offended.) It's definitely crossed my mind as I am the type of person who very rarely waits for anything. I'm very go go go and driven so adoption has of course forced me to let go of some of those tendancies. And I was born that way. My mom says when I was baby I often refused to go to sleep simply because I was afraid of missing out on things. She says she used to just prop me up, straight up, on the couch to put me to sleep because I refused to lay flat on my back. Basically too impatient and insistent to sleep. Good qualities to possess, I know. (You'll notice I'm writing this at almost 2 am. Not sleeping at night has apparently become my hobby for the last few days.)
By the way, when is your silent auction? I've been thinking about a purse but I'd like to do something special just for you that will remind people of you.
It will happen. And when it does, that horrible wait will have been worth it!
Oh, what a cute girl...hope the wait for Olivia's referral is over soon.
I still think its so funny that we were both logged in on the same month/year and now we are both adopting from the same O in Haiti.... It's coming, the wait will end! Everyday you wake up is another day closer. Oh what a special little girl she must be! By the way, your TAGGED if you want to play! Go to my Blog for details. Terry
We're hanging in there with you for the long haul. Hopefully it won't be too much longer before she's in your arms. (I love Charlotte's expression!)
I really empathize with you. We are at 30 months (from dossier to Haiti). Keep hanging in there. Blessings await us.
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