We received the letter that we got our USCIS approval to adopt from China (our third approval for this adoption) just before our renewal deadline of January 4. We used the free extension this time (the US Government's gift to those adopting from China because of the immense delays) so that saved us $670 buckaroos. Now, if we can just be sure to get to China before our fingerprints expire (again). They expire on June 10...I think we just might make it! Until our fingerprints and petition to adopt expire for Haiti...hahahaha! I laugh to keep from crying! :P
Their in your LID Month! That's got to be an awesome feeling! This will be your year, lets hope soon!
Praise God! I am so happy for you!
That is great news. I can't send my renewal in until the 19th of this month. I figure I will get my referral and will be waiting to get my renewal back. With both country adoptions you will NEVER be finished with paperwork. Just kidding! I love the photos of your children in Haiti!
Isn't that the truth. We've got two separate adoptions going right now too and while it's not like an all consuming task to stay on top of things, I am always worried about missing some expiration date. (If the adoption process would just be a bit shorter and I wouldn't have to extend my fingerprints or update my homestudy, etc., that would be pefect!)
So good to get great news!
Love you to pieces
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