We got an email from our agency that the CCAA has raised the orphanage donation fee (it is called a donation, but it is a requirement) from $3,000 to $5,100. It is supposed to make us feel better that this fee has not been raised for 10 years, but strangely, it doesn't. Anyone traveling to China as of January 1, 2009, will pay the increased fee. I am grateful we had the auction since we would have been $2,100 MORE behind if we hadn't. So....y'all gear up for a pancake breakfast next Spring, ok?
Referrals: the CCAA got through February 23, 2006.
The China Adoption Forecast says this for us:
Our prediction for LID 2006-03-13
China has 18 days of dossiers to be processed before they get to your dossier. China currently processes about 5.3 days of dossiers each month.
Our best guess: 2009-03-14
Since China generally sends out referrals in a batch about once per month, your referral date could easily vary +/- one month depending on whether you just get included or just get missed in a particular batch.

Our gut instinct (right now, since for months we thought February, along with the Adoption Forecast website) is April for a referral, but I think part of that is not wanting to be disappointed anymore! The bottom line is we KNOW it will be 2009, and at this point that is all we know, so to speculate only sets us up for sadness.
Today marks the 33rd month to our 6-8 month wait (hahahaha!) And so, we trudge on through the adoption wilderness!!
Oh the wilderness...what a not fun place to be. But for the Isrealites it was a time of God's continued provision and faithfulness. From Duet., right before they entered the wilderness, “For you are a people holy to the LORD your God. The LORD your God has chosen you to be a people for his treasured possession, out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth. It was not because you were more in number than any other people that the LORD set his love on you
and chose you, for you were the fewest of all peoples, but it is because the LORD loves you and is
keeping the oath that he swore to your fathers, that the LORD has brought you out with a mighty
hand and redeemed you from the house of slavery, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt. Know therefore that the LORD your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love Him and keep His commandments, to a thousand generations."
We are pinning for China once again. We really believe we have a child there waiting. The orphanage fee is really a bummer. Pancakes sound great...do you live in NJ? :)
Praying the time goes fast! I started a yahoo group for FHG families. You can go to my blog if your interested, I have something posted from last week. It's a prayful group for building each other up during the wait and bonding with other families. Join us if you can... Terry
few things. thanks for the updates on the china adoption.
i'm ready for a few pancake breakfasts. can i help? my sis and i are making ebelskivers for christmas. they are like pancake balls. a-maze-ing. maybe an ebeskiver breakfast?
WOW. I cannot imagine waiting that long. We were DTC 11/99 and got our referral 8/00 and thought that was forever.
You are in my thoughts. I hope you see your referral sooner than later.
We love pancake breakfasts - we will be there!
I am sorry about the fee inrease. *hugs*
We love you!
We are sick over here so that all for now.....but we love you.
I read on another blog that if we started the process today, our wait time for referral from China would be 7 years! I sooo have my fingers crossed that you have a referral in the Spring!
I give you so much credit for sticking with it. We gave up (we would have been LID for 8/07) so you can probably understand why! :) Our wait would have been 7+ years!!! But that is what lead us to Haiti, so it all works out in the long run. You'll be triple blessed! 2 from Haiti, 1 from China, how wonderful! :)
We wish you luck in your trips! We had a LID of 6/06 to China. We elected to take a special needs child(tetrolgy of fallot with pulmonary atresia)and traved to China in 8/07 to pick up our daughter, Audrey. When I look at the wait I am still amazed. It is sad to think but we would have given up by now.
Feel free to visit our blog, chinadaugher.blogspot.com. If you click on the dates of 8/07 you can see our adventure to China. It is an amazing trip!
Good luck. Adoption is just the most wonderful feeling.
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