Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Turdy Tuesday

[moving day photos coming soon]

Today wasn't terrible. But it wasn't great. Lest I get too whiny I will list a few positives. I saw a bad car accident and I wasn't in it; I was able to get our adoption paperwork overnighted to the Haitian Consulate in Chicago; and I have a great family. But I had icky things to deal with. There is an issue with one part of our Haiti adoption paperwork that I can't go into but need prayer for a resolve. A weird, unexplainable thing. Part of the problem is the fact that we don't know how to go about resolving it. When that happens in life, the "thing" eats at ya and when you turn it over to God to handle it creeps back into your brain space.

The next thing was that I had a work related thingy to deal with. Also annoying and brain space invading. To top it all off, a bird did it's duty, or doody, on me. On my head. SMACK on the TOP of my HEAD. (I can hear you laughing...cut it out) So with all of this, I treated myself to an ice cream cone. The ice cream fell off the cone. It was one of those days where I was glad I had a cell phone so I could ask Lee to start a hot bath for me before I even got home. So - here's hoping for a better tomorrow...or we MIGHT have a Whiny Wednesday on our hands.


mshel333 said...

Awwww.....here's a hug. My day was almost like that. BTW, I did laugh when I read about the bird. Love ya!

Vivian M said...

This too shall pass, and it will be funny someday.
Hope your Wednesday is going much better!

Adam said...

So after the ice cream fell off, did you laugh? Cuz after a day like that, that's about all you could do at that point.

Hopefully the bath water was hot enough once you got home....

Kathy Cassel said...

Hope you get the adoption stuff figured out. All those forms can be a pain. I am trying to figure out the 864. It's only 17 pages long!

Denise said...

Sorry I was laughing!!!! Hope things get better!

Jinglebritches said...

Magie said in Italy when a bird poops on you, it's a good sign. haha.

so think of it that way ;)

CG said...

Ha! Sounds like a Willie Nelson song!

Tracy said...

I hope you are able to work out the issue.

Ugh - what a day you had! But yum - ice cream must have helped! :)

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