Today marks the 30th month since we were logged in to China's system (3-13-06). So it is officially 22 months longer than the worst case scenario we were told when we started. Granted, our social worker said that there are no guarantees, but we CAN guarantee that we could never have dreamt up this sort of scenario. I suppose that THIS number "30" more accurately summarizes how we feel about the wait, rather than the lovely, scrolly "30" above. I chuckled when I saw it. It looks like how we feel - a little worn out. I find that adopting parents with long waits have a certain fortitude to keep going. If you don't have it when you start the adoption process, you have it by the end.

We still have hope and faith and we DO trust in God for His timing, but we are weary travelers on this journey. Every holiday, every birthday and every special occasion that passes by makes it smart a bit more. I hold to what my Mama told me - that if we had a toddler running around we wouldn't have found Patricia that night and ultimately, Philippe. That is my main comfort at this point.
Praying right now for all the orphans in the world and all the waiting parents, especially the ones with no one to tuck in tonight.
I hope your wait is over soon.
It is long! Hope you have news soon.
I am so sorry that it has taken so long. It actually looks like we were logged in on the same month and year. (Did you use Bethany?). I think it was the 13th too. It was March, 2006. But we knew before we were even logged in that the Lord was leading us to special needs...and eventually to Evan.
I had no idea at the time, nor did anyone else, that it would take this long....Praying to your perfect child. I'm thinking it will be around Feb/March of 2009...but praying it is sooner!
Watching a friend go through the same thing but they are farther behind in process than you...yucky!
My heart continues to ache for you in the quietness of your house. I am also amazed at your faith. We will keep praying.
I hope your wait isn't too much longer. It was great seeing you on Saturday at the MOCA walk.
I hate it for you. Praying all the time!
=( There is nothing more painful than waiting with empty arms..thank you for your prayers, and I am praying for you too. I am so glad that you are reminded of the gifts of your Philippe and Patricia, though, they are definitely part of God's amazing plan.
Your Mom is so right. Everything in it's time, right? You will see that for yourself soon enough!! I cannot wait for when you get your Olivia. I see a slight light at the end of the tunnel already since they are already referrinf February.
We waited 21 months, and it was the hardest ever - so I admire you in this wait even though I know you have no choice.
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